While debating the effectiveness of online and offline classes, it is important to mention the impact of COVID-19 during the last 2–3 years. The post-pandemic period has not only created a drastic change in our lives but also in our educational system. From being based on traditional classroom teaching, there has been a shift to an online mode of teaching. Like the way students choose between two courses, they now have the option to opt for either online or offline classes, considering convenience. When we have options to choose from, we end up having confusion. Students might frequently struggle with the decision to take an offline or online course.

In this blog, we will be discussing this topic from the perspective of providing an answer to a student who is confused about opting for either an online or offline class for entrance coaching, especially for medical and engineering aspirants. Every year, thousands of students attend medical and engineering entrance exams. Prior to the exam, they go for entrance coaching. The option to choose the best entrance coaching institutes has increased. With this, you have the choice between online or offline classes. Earlier, in the field of entrance coaching, education was purely based on the traditional way of teaching in classrooms. Suddenly, when the pandemic hit, there was a shift to online classes as the students couldn’t make it to the coaching centres.


An online class is a form of education that takes place virtually through the Internet. Students will be provided with recorded lectures or live lectures along with the study materials. It has made learning more convenient. From anywhere, at any time, the students can attend the classes. Considering the place and time, it has given students control over their learning process. The advancement in technology has made this happen. The online classes are delivered through mobile phones, laptops, or tablets.


A mode of teaching in which there is an actual presence of teachers and students, followed by their interaction. It takes place in a physical classroom. Students have to come to campus to learn. Gone were the days when students considered attending offline classes as the best option for learning. Today, all the institutions are providing online classes along with offline classes. But online classes can never replace offline classes completely.

One question that arises is whether online classes are equally effective as offline classes. To understand that, we need to analyze the features of each mode of learning specifically. Let us deep-dive into each aspect of online and offline classes for better analysis.


Whenever we do things, we want to do them at our convenience. In the field of education, online classes have made the process of learning more convenient. Students can learn in their comfort zone from any place at any time. All they need is a system and a strong network to access the class. But the offline mode of the class is not structured, considering the student’s convenience. Those who opt for the offline class have to come to the classroom and attend the classes at the scheduled time. They don’t have control over the time and place.


Offline classes are more expensive than online classes. If the student is staying at a hostel, then they have to pay additional charges for accommodation and food. Along with this, offline learning requires travel to the campus at a given time. It is more time-consuming. On the other hand, online classes have made education more accessible and inexpensive. Comparing the course fees of online and offline classes, offline classes are always more expensive than online classes. Students don’t have to spend money on study materials, as they will be provided online. For those who can’t afford offline classes, online classes are a better alternative.


One of the benefits of online classes is that if the classes are recorded, the students can watch them again and again. An option to re-watch the classes is available in online mode. But in the offline class, students have to listen to lectures and then take down the lecture notes for future reference. But there are institutions that do not provide recorded sessions because they are worried about their classes or content being downloaded and leaked. If they provide it, then it’s useful for the students to watch it multiple times. Watching classes multiple times can enhance their learning process.


Offline classes are more lively than online classes. There is direct interaction between the tutors and students. Students can experience the campus. Peer communication is inevitable in offline classes, and it is very important to have this peer communication in the field of education. Individual attention is also greater in offline classes than in online classes. Lack of direct interaction with tutors and peer groups is a disadvantage of online learning, which is critical to student success. Direct interaction can help improve student performance and competition.


In offline classes, there is a specific schedule that should be followed. This schedule is specific and strict. Taking a break whenever you want is not possible. But in an online class, attending the classes is flexible. Students have the freedom to pick the best time to study. It helps to pursue your studies on your own.


There is a high chance of getting distracted in online classes. It is sometimes impossible to sit in front of a screen without being distracted. But whenever you feel distracted, you have the option to take a break from class. But in offline class, even though you feel sleepy, there is no option for you to sleep. Your physical presence is very important. So there is less chance of distraction in an offline class than in an online class.


Technology and a good network are needed to access the online class. The latest applications for virtual meetings, such as Zoom, Google Meet, and many other apps, have made online classes more accessible. If there is no strong connection at any of the two ends, either tutors or students, it can create many difficulties while attending the live class. Being accessible through the internet also has the advantage of allowing you to attend the class anywhere in the world.


Choosing between online and offline classes is not a complicated thing. Based on your convenience, you can choose between the two. We can’t say that one would be more effective than the other. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. The effectiveness of either an online or offline class is based on your determination to study. If you can use the available resources and materials properly, you will be able to learn and study successfully. We have seen medical and engineering aspirants approach offline classes as more effective than online classes. Online or offline classes are not the determining factors for your success. For the NEET 2022 examination, Nanditha P, from our NEET 2022 online batch, secured the 1st rank in Kerala. She proved that it is not about choosing an online or offline class that is important, but doing handwork and having the determination to reach success. If you have the right intention to study, then you can go online or offline, and success will follow you.